Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday and Monday

I will start with Saturday... We rested on Friday so that we could do 12 on Saturday. Those 11.5 were tough! To start with, I wasn't sure about my tummy and I was really thirsty. There is nothing like rationing water when you are out for 2.5 hours. I mapped a course and it was a little over 12. But we decided to skip running through Chestnut Creek a second time because I wasn't sure what was up with my stomach. We added an extra mile past the Y. Apparently that wasn't enough because when I went home and re-mapped, it was only 11.5. But that run was mentally hard. I didn't think I could do it and so my body must have listened to my mind!

Today though, we did 5 miles with 3-1 intervals. It was great! I loved this run. I felt envigorated when we were finished. I needed a good run to get my confidence back. It has been at least 2 weeks since we've done 5 without any problems. We ended up running the last 5 minutes straight. It took us less than an hour to do the 5 - so I was really thrilled!

Wednesday will be telephone poles with a twist... Tomorrow is weights.

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