Thursday, November 27, 2008

The turkey trot ten

I met Meg at 6 and we did ten. I had a tougher time today, but I contribute it to the Cliff bar I ate in the middle of the night. It sat like a rock in my stomach. I also did the beans and I think I prefer the gel. We went from the Y to River Road and then a little bit on Venice East. I hate the straight and back. I prefer the loops.

So while I was miserable, I will say this, running during sunrise is beautfiul. We headed east and the sky was gorgeous! We ran by some ponds and some fields. I loved the scenery!

Tomorrow? NOTHING!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well, today was my first day off during Thanksgiving break. Meg and I met at 5 and did telephone poles for 4.5 miles. Neither of us were going very fast! The first sprint was the tell-tale sign. She was stiff and I was just slow. I am actually sore from yesterday's workout. Didn't I say something about it not being that bad. But I did up my weights and I can tell.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 10 miles. meg wants to go from the Y to River Road. She thought that would be 10 miles roundtrip. It's not, it's only 8, so we have to add the neighborhood. I am not too excited about running all along Center Road. BORING!! But, then again, I'm never excited. What's up with that?? Maybe a marathon is not for me? Oops. I did NOT say that.

Stay tuned to hear about the Turkey Day 10...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Weights... the instructor didn't show up but we all punished either other by going on with class. I think our workout was pretty good. The pace wasn't as fast because we were constantly changing straps and such. Tomorrow it's 5 miles...

Monday, November 24, 2008


Today was supposed to be a 5 mile 3/1 kind of day. But... Meg wasn't feeling well so we ended up walking for 4 miles. We walked at a pretty good clip and I wasn't winded, but it wasn't a stroll either. I should probably run tonight, but I am pretty certain I won't. I guess it's ok to slack off once in a while! I just don't want to get out of the habit.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

11/22/08 - 10.3 miles

Wow! I did 10 miles. That won't be much in a few months, but I feel like I just hit a milestone. I did it in 12 minute miles. I did intervals of 3/1 for the entire run. My muscles are hurting in my legs and shoulder blade area. Tomorrow is a rest day. Aaaahhhh... Now I just can't eat the calories I burned!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nov 20 and 21

Yesterday I did weights through Free Motion. Apparently our instructor broke up with his girlfriend and is taking his angst out on us. Wow, did he kill us - especially the abs. We had the medicine balls. Even though I'm whining, I loved the work out. I just wanted to sit at the end and melt into the floor. It was a great workout!!

Meg ditched me today - she's definitely not feeling well, so I can't blame her. Anyway, I wimped out and only did 3 miles on the treadmill. I wasn't going to do anything at all, but I figured I probably won't hit the streets this weekend, so I better do something. I put the treadmill on a 1% incline because I read somewhere that mimics running on the street. That 1% kicked my butt. I did the 3 miles in 31 minutes - and that included a 4 minute walking warmup. Not bad for me, I guess. I just need to get out there this weekend and hit 8-10 miles. The question is... will I? Today's our 10th anniversary! Yipee... We are going to Phantom of the Opera tomorrow. I could probably get up and run in the morning, provided I get to bed a decent hour.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11/19/08 Brrrrr....

Wow, it was cold this morning! But in truth, the fear of the cold was worse than the cold. I wore my running tights, short sleeve shirt, long sleeve shirt, blue fuzzy, ear muffs, and gloves. After 3 miles, the fuzzy came off but the rest was still on. I need to get a running jacket that is warm, but not bulky. Meg's ear muffs were perfect. The coldest part of my body was the rear end! It stung from the cold. Maybe I should put shorts over the tights.

We did "telephone poles" for 4.5 miles. That's where we sprint to a pole, walk to the next, sprint to the next, etc. We usually only do 3 miles, but we felt that we needed to "kick it up a notch". I was breathing hard. Some of those poles are far apart! I noted that we have come a long way. In both speed and distance. Just imagine what we'll be saying in April!! By then, 8 miles will seem like a short day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I slept in today. I didn't have to be at the Y until 5:15. It's a weight day. The instructor had a bee under his bonnet this morning and we went pretty quickly from the start. It was a good work out, but I am still having trouble trying to figure out how much weight to use. No cardio today...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Happy Birthday baby Ryan! I can't believe you are 4 years old.

Meg and I did 9 miles. It was brutal. I don't think it helped that we both ran yesterday. We tried the Jelly Bellies today. I like them better than the goo, but I didn't notice if they helped or not. I think we bit off more than we could chew doing the 9. I didn't get a very good stretch in and my legs are sore. I wonder if a better stretch would have helped?

I think I'm ready to jump to 3/1's. I haven't committed to Nashville, but I think about it all the time. I guess I better give it some prayer. After today's brutal 9, I realize that I will probably be physically ready, but the mental game will be tough. I will definitely look for a group to run with. Meg said there are Galloway tables so it shouldn't be hard to find a group.

The weather was cold - around 45. But by the end, we were running with just short sleeves. I thought 45 would be cold, but there wasn't the wind.

Today's gonna be a long day!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The goals

The short term goal? 10 miles
The mid-term goal? Grouper half marathon in Sarasota Florida
The long-term goal? Country Music marathon in Nashville

Can I do it?? Let's find out!

Today's workout - 9 miles
I felt great! I did 12 minutes of 3/1 intervals, then 12 minutes of 2/1 intervals. I ended up intervaling for 112 minutes.

I am a little sore, but it's good. I'm supposed to do 9 with Meg tomorrow. Yikes... I'm looking forward to the challenge!