Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11/19/08 Brrrrr....

Wow, it was cold this morning! But in truth, the fear of the cold was worse than the cold. I wore my running tights, short sleeve shirt, long sleeve shirt, blue fuzzy, ear muffs, and gloves. After 3 miles, the fuzzy came off but the rest was still on. I need to get a running jacket that is warm, but not bulky. Meg's ear muffs were perfect. The coldest part of my body was the rear end! It stung from the cold. Maybe I should put shorts over the tights.

We did "telephone poles" for 4.5 miles. That's where we sprint to a pole, walk to the next, sprint to the next, etc. We usually only do 3 miles, but we felt that we needed to "kick it up a notch". I was breathing hard. Some of those poles are far apart! I noted that we have come a long way. In both speed and distance. Just imagine what we'll be saying in April!! By then, 8 miles will seem like a short day!

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